Saturday, February 25, 2006

Willam F Buckley is a defeatist?

I can't believe that he has given up on the 13 million people who want democracy and a stable government. This country is being held hostage by terrorists that are stoking old anger in a small percentage of the mass population. I am just dissapointed in such a great conservative mind.


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Friday, February 17, 2006

I hate Hollywood...well maybe not hate...

I hate them because its ok not to like other people when you don't agree with a word that they say and you just think they are drama queens and kings. Plus, in my 30 years I have come to realize that the same storylines just keep being rehashed in movies. I guess lately they have tried taking their politics and making storylines about them. Syriana, Brokeback, and everything else Clooney, Balwin, or Dreyfus...I could go on and on and on with socialist liberal actors. I don't go to movies anymore and I rent whatever I see that has none of the normal liberal Hollywood tilt. I am not surprised that they are having problems making money in America. Most of them are socialists, not capitalists. I am just so tired of them getting press, and I don't even listen anymore. I know its not nice to hate so lets just say that I don't feel they have a moral fiber and they possess a hate for America and the ideals of conservatism and Christianity.
Tell me your thoughts on Hollywood


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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Surprise...Surprise there were WMD?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi eric! I am back!

actually I saw the link that is related to change iran. I hope you increase your knowledge about Iran if you are interested. good try! but you have to try more. actually the arm that you see in that picture is lion and sun "shir va khorshid or shir-o-khorshid" which is a royal arm in Iran. The people who want raoyal government are not many. they are few. they have just power and relate every efforts to nationalism. but they are generationally corrupt. Reza Pahlavi's grand phather which was founder of Pahlavi government was a soldier. He gathered properties and corrupted a lot. so after world war 2nd US Russia and bretain replace him by his son (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Reza Pahlavi 2nd's father.) he was currept too. he gathered billions of dollors and shares in europian companies.

As it was debated before, I believe that they don't understand the facts in current Iran. They are living abroad for 30 years. can Such this person decide for iranian nation? not sure. moreover, there is no changing regim is going to happen. The thing that people want are reforming and develping in economic issues and political as well.

Thu Feb 16, 06:44:00 AM EST  

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The pen is mightier than...?

I imagine 10-40 years ago most of the media elite sat in a Journalism classroom and they had to listen to a prof bloviate on how grand the power of the pen. Well lets see, the pen is not as powerful as terrorism and more appropriately the fear of reprisal for news media. Interestingly the press is the champion of free press but the champ does not want to take on the fight of the century. Some in the media have, surprisingly the Euro's are actually the strong gloves in this fight. The American media is so concerned with itself and its fear that it is defeated before it begins. The same media that prints picture on rogue soldiers in Iraq torturing, felt no remorse, only glee when it printed the pics is now once again on the same side of an argument as the terrorists. I support freedom of speech. And with that I support the freedom not to speak. But the responsibility to the freedom of the press is universal and I do not think that the American media elite is doing its part.


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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Toys that save lives

I often get excited like a kid before Christmas when I think of the possibilities of future tech. The article above gives me great hope for my children and all of America's children. The truth is that future wars are going to be won on Computers and our ability to control robots is going to be tremendous. That brings me to my thought of the day. Are American children today going to be preprogrammed or predisposed to tomorrows war machine because of the 3 hours a day of video game practice on the Xbox or PSP? If so, I say play on children. Its contrarian thinking that the gaming community is a great part of our society. But America has always leaned on the techies for wars, why not this generation? The techies of the 30's built a bomb that won/stopped a terrible war. I think that if the roadside bomb is negated and urban warfare is less bloody. That enhancement will stop insurgency and give the US the will it needs to change the Middle East. Play on Xbox generation!


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Monday, February 13, 2006

Hamilton speaks and says very little

Lee Hamilton spoke at my College graduation and I was not impressed. He speaks in this op ed in my local liberal paper the Indy star and does not impress. He has done a good job at telling a brief history of this situation. I believe he has left very little details of the absolute way out of this. If we left out the thoughts of diplomacy then there is a simple problem tactically. If we say ok we will give Iran 3 months to cooperate...and then we give them 3 more...and then we say the UN really means it and if you don't comply we will give you 3 more months or there will be blockades and sanctions. Ok then we put these sanctions on...and Iran switches to the N Korea model for developing Nukes and starves its people in order to feed the military and Scientists. The problem is they will develop them, there is no way to stop them. By the time that the international community gets the will to use military these weapons will be in Syria or now a very strategically placed Palestinian territory.


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Saturday, February 11, 2006

The opening of the Olympics 2006

I love the Olympics. It takes me back to my childhood at my Grandparents house. My grandmother loves figure skating. She just thinks its a beautiful sport. I personally enjoy the skiing and this is the only time that I will watch hockey. I couldn't tell you any of the names of the people on our US Hockey team but there is just something about the Olympics that brings out Nationalism. My wife and I are trying to decide which Olympics we like better...So that is today's question...Which do you prefer Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics?

My wife says she is a bigger fan of the Summer Olympics. She loves the Gymnastics and the swimming. My favorite is swimming and a very close second would be the track and field.

I think that I like the winter games better because the winter games come on at a time of the year that does not really make you want to go outside in the weather and enjoy yourself. I mean, the winter is a socially slower time and generally I think most people are just waiting for the warm weather to come back. So although the sports are better in the Summer, I enjoy the Winter games better.


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Friday, February 10, 2006

An iranians view of the Olympics

Milad said...
Hello dear eric congradulation for your new blog. Actually, I think the games, they are a very important event in the world with the valuable and nice idea behind. It disributes kindness and friendship and makes nation familiar with each other. actually our athletics whom we are expect to have medals are wrestelers (spelling?) secondly lifting and Hosein Reza Zadeh who is most powerfull man in the world. Iranians look at the games just for fun and competition , not deeply, but I am thinking of nice and appricciatable idea behind that. I personally think and feel that my country Iran is more global and close to international community when they are participating in the games. And because they are in summer, perfect and cute enough to watch them from TV in Iran. I love football swimming and running.

Milad, Thank you for your post! It is nice to hear what your country is looking forward to seeing.
Question of the Day: What is your nations feeling about the Olympics, are you worried about terrorism? Who do you expect to do well? Please comment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thx eric

As I told you. We expect Reza zadeh to have a gold medal there in beigin china. unfortunately, our country's athletics are not proffessional and skilled enough in winter olympics. therefore I commented about main games(summer one). About tourism I think my country-follws are not rich enough to travell for supporting, cheering or encouraging athletics. tickets are expensive for iranian people who live in iran. for example a ticket for the biggest football match in Iran is about 2 or 3 dollors! whereas in olympic it tend to start from houndrads of dollor or euro.

Fri Feb 10, 03:25:00 PM EST  

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interesting site


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello dear eric

congrojulation for ur new blog.

Actually, I think the games are very important event in the world with the valuable and nice idea behind. It disribute kindness and friendship and make nation be familiar with each other.

actually our athletics whom we are expect to have medals are wrestelers (spelling?) secondly lifting and Hosein Reza Zadeh who is most powerfull man in the world.

Iranians look at the games just for fun and competition , not deeply, but I am thinking of nice and appricciatable idea behind that. I personally think and feel that my country Iran is more global and close to international community when they are participating in the games. And because they are in summer, perfect and cute enough to watch them from TV in Iran. I love football swimming and running.

Fri Feb 10, 03:01:00 PM EST  

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The goal of the blog it to create a circle of blogs that connect with discussion of similar situations in the world and to get ideas on them. Let me give you an example. Todays topic is the opening of the Olympics. How do the people of your country view the games. Who are your hopefuls for gold. Are you concerned about terrorism at the games? Do you think they are fair, do you even care about the games. So state where you are from and give us your thoughts. Welcome,

Global Verm
This is an Iranian that I have made friends with and he is trying to learn English. His Farsi blog was listed in an article in the BBC website last week...thats big time!!

I also encourage you to visit the following sites for up to date news.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good.
Good luck.

Fri Feb 10, 11:52:00 AM EST  

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