Who would believe such a farce?
This resolution is a face saving chess move by the Bush administration to gain the international "upper hand". If you really think that a lasting cease fire will go into effect in 5 hours from now you are not paying attention, gullable, or just naive. The US wants the appearance of being a good UN member and supporting the innocent, and they do, but they also know that with a terrorist State inside Lebanon there will always be innocents that will suffer. So the US plays the game and makes the insignificant countries of the UN feel important. But all told there are only 6 players in this game: the US,Israel, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, and pure blind hatred for the Jewish people by the mideast and Europe. Thank God for the US or this thing would be into concentration camps by now. This war is far from finished and it is far from the climax. I am fully supportive of crushing the terrorists where they are in southern Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Britain, the US etc... And I am damn proud that my tax money developed the weapons to kill the bastards.
One last thought, Olmert has to go. Netanyaho is the only leader strong enough to do this for a long period of time. Listen to the mixed signals that are coming from Olmert, they are horrible for the morale of his country and he is doing more harm than good.
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One last thought, Olmert has to go. Netanyaho is the only leader strong enough to do this for a long period of time. Listen to the mixed signals that are coming from Olmert, they are horrible for the morale of his country and he is doing more harm than good.
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Pretty much said it all. I agree. The Hezzies only understand a bone crushing defeat. All this "peace talk" goes right over their head. I just wish Olmert had the balls to finish what he started. If you're going in to disarm Hezbollah, disarm them. Otherwise, more of the Lebanese and Israelis will die needlessly in another war. Sheesh. What a mess.
While I dont support Hezbollah, and dont like his ideology and the life style of beling extremely religious they call for, I dont see it as a terror organization.
Hezbollah havent attacked civillians or bombed innocent people around the Globe like the AL-Qaeda did. Al what Hezbollah did is resisting occupation forces that lie on Lebanese land.
People in the west should differenciate between legimate resistance and terror. I don't condone violent resistance as well, but as I can see from your vote, you do condon Israeli violent actions towards the Lebanese. I think violence is wrong from both sides.
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