Saturday, February 11, 2006

The opening of the Olympics 2006

I love the Olympics. It takes me back to my childhood at my Grandparents house. My grandmother loves figure skating. She just thinks its a beautiful sport. I personally enjoy the skiing and this is the only time that I will watch hockey. I couldn't tell you any of the names of the people on our US Hockey team but there is just something about the Olympics that brings out Nationalism. My wife and I are trying to decide which Olympics we like better...So that is today's question...Which do you prefer Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics?

My wife says she is a bigger fan of the Summer Olympics. She loves the Gymnastics and the swimming. My favorite is swimming and a very close second would be the track and field.

I think that I like the winter games better because the winter games come on at a time of the year that does not really make you want to go outside in the weather and enjoy yourself. I mean, the winter is a socially slower time and generally I think most people are just waiting for the warm weather to come back. So although the sports are better in the Summer, I enjoy the Winter games better.


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