Thoughts from a post on The arab observers blog
Thank you for the post, its hard to get comments as sincere and thought out in an open blog like mine and yours. In Persian I only mean non-arab in my mind, most US citizens would think that all arabs are persians and persians are arabs, I hope you understand that I wanted you to know that I understand some of the cultural differences in the region.I have heard the support for Israel argument before for why many hate the US, and so I would like to see what you think of my view on this. Why does the US support the Israelis? Does it have to do with common religion? NO. US mostly Christian, Israel mostly Jews. Does it have to do with common past? A little bit, we have some Jews in the US that were persecuted during the WWII, but most of them are past on by now. I know that many in my grandfathers generation are ashamed that they let the Germans kill all the Jews in the WWII, but much of that emotional attachment has faded away in the newer generations. When the league of nations set up Israels international border it did take some land from Arabs. But who had the land 1st? Well it was Greek, then Jewish, then Roman, then Ottoman, then Egyptian, then Christian, then Jewish, then the Muslums, then the Christians, then the Muslums get the point. As a Christian I recognize that many of the miracles that happen in the Old Testament happen to Jews in current day Israel, I also know from my study of the Koran that many of the occurances happen in Judea also. I believe this is what you speak of when you call Hezbollah a resistance force. OK, I see the history, but what about the tactics they use? 1979 214 US military Peace Keepers and 150 French Peace Keepers blown apart in barracks while they slept. The largest non Nuclear explosion in history...why? Israel has never attacked the US, that is one reason that we support them. The other reason? Balance of power brings stability in situation. If the US suddenly took back all its weapons and said that we no longer support the Israeli right to exist...I ask, how long would there be 6 million Jews in Israel? How long would it take for the whole mideast to explode? So here is a prediction, as the enemies of Israel get stronger, the support that they get from the US will be stronger and more involved. Yes, I see the paradox here, but how is it to stop? Disarm Hezbollah and the Israelis leave them alone, disarm Israel and there is no more Israel. The only way for this to stop is two ways. 1st complete military defeat of one of the players here. Or 2, the deep long rooted hate for Jews must stop. The moderate muslums have to say enough from these terrorist groups and say...stop or we will stop you. Unfortunely none of these seem likely. So that is why I say I am proud that my countries Bombs kill the Hezbollah,(not the civilians that they hide behind). The way I see it is that they killed out of no provocation 214 US Marines and for that they should be defeated.Hope I didn't ramble on too much.Please visit Verm
I answered you in my blog, but I will copy it here as well. I just forget to say that Persians and Arabs are complete different races. There has been a Persian empire in the history but now it is Iran country. There is also several Arab countries now. We like to call it the Arab world, but frankly it is Jorda, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudia, UAE, Lebia, Algeria, ...etc. We have many comonolities but much differences as well. It is so ignorant to generalize and judge all Arabs to be the same as much as it is ignorant to judge black people of being the same.
Now here is what I wrote as a reply to you in my blog:
No globalverm, you didn't ramble too much, I can see where you are coming from, and see that you can see how Arabs and Muslims feel bitterness and anger towards the US for backing what they believe their enemy Israel.
You said it yourself, without the US support to Israel, those 6 million Jews wouldn't be living in Israel. So you can understand the other side feelings.
Now as of the moderate muslims saying no to terrorist groups. I say that I live among muslims, I am christian, but I can give a clear picture of the situation in Jordan. I wont say most, it is nearly all of the muslims I know are fed up of those terrorists (not Hezbollah cause they consider it as a legimate resistance), but Al-Qaeda and other terror organisations that are giving a bad impression about Islam. They have ruined Muslim and Arab reputation in the world, where uneducated people around the world (which are many) percieve all Muslims and Arabs now as terrorists which isn't true.
I am not sure it is Hezbollah who killed those US Marines in 1979, I think it was another kind of Palestinian melichias back then, but regardless of that incident, and looking at the current situation on groud, you can see that Hezbollah is only fighting Israel for their occupation of some land in Lebanon. Why would you consider that as terror? and even counting the numbers of civilians killed vs the military people killed in this war, you can till that even in ration Israel killed much more civilians than Hezbollah.
You can tell from my post which started all this conversation that I don't support Hezbollah, neither it's ideology, and yes, I didn't like how it provoked Israel by kidnapping those 2 soldiers, but excuse me they are only 2 soldiers, Israel declared a fierce war on the lebanese! It destroyed their country and killed many for only 2 soldiers?!! People here are calling those 2 soldiers as Prophet Moses and his Brother Haron! lol. Are they that important to kill many people for?
I admit that both parties have done horrible things. We radicals in the Arab world as you have in Israel and the US. We have set of believes that contradict what you have. But why let ourselves kill each other? why not work on both sides to achieve a better leadership. A leadership that calls for peace not war? Electing people like George Bush wont help the US, it would only cause more rage, and produce more terrorists. You have the upper hand, more force, more money, more social and technological advancements and more knowledge, so why not help us? Help us live in peace.
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