Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Surprise...Surprise there were WMD?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi eric! I am back!

actually I saw the link that is related to change iran. I hope you increase your knowledge about Iran if you are interested. good try! but you have to try more. actually the arm that you see in that picture is lion and sun "shir va khorshid or shir-o-khorshid" which is a royal arm in Iran. The people who want raoyal government are not many. they are few. they have just power and relate every efforts to nationalism. but they are generationally corrupt. Reza Pahlavi's grand phather which was founder of Pahlavi government was a soldier. He gathered properties and corrupted a lot. so after world war 2nd US Russia and bretain replace him by his son (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Reza Pahlavi 2nd's father.) he was currept too. he gathered billions of dollors and shares in europian companies.

As it was debated before, I believe that they don't understand the facts in current Iran. They are living abroad for 30 years. can Such this person decide for iranian nation? not sure. moreover, there is no changing regim is going to happen. The thing that people want are reforming and develping in economic issues and political as well.

Thu Feb 16, 06:44:00 AM EST  

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